DAQ and Analysis-Software
Main DABC/DAQ features concerning TRB3/TDC:
- Data readout from several TRBs and events building.
- If necessary, sort incoming UDP packets according trigger number. Enables usage of TRB3 with two Ethernet links.
- Store data in HLD files (including RFIO support)
- Deliver data for arbitrary online analysis via GSI-standard socket connection (so-called MBS stream server)
- Provides very simple API to access offline (HLD files) and online (MBS-like server) data
- Such API used in hldprint utility - powerful tool to printout HLD data, especially for TRB3/TDC setups.
Analysis code for TRB3/TDC implemented in 'stream' framework and has following features:
- It is pure C++ code, independent from ROOT or DABC (http://dabc.gsi.de) or Go4 (http://go4.gsi.de).
- Developed code very well integrated with ROOT, with DABC and with Go4.
- It can run offline (reading HLD files) or online (taking data directly from DAQ)
- It dedicated for unpacking and calibration of TRB/TDC data, means producing correct time stamps out of fine-counter values.
- Calibration also includes compensation of time-over-threshold (TOT) shifts, measured with internal pulser, produced with trigger type 0xD.
- Produced calibrated data can be stored in ROOT TTree, supporting two major formats: with absolute time stamps as double values, and with relative (to channel 0) time stamps as float values.
- Framework optionally provides number of histograms useful for online monitoring.
- If required, custom user code can be easily append to running application and access all produced data directly.
Use of analysis code with Go4 framework:
- Go4 is used as "run engine", providing environment for running TRB/TDC calibration code online/offline
- When used online, produced histograms can be monitored with few seconds delay in Go4 GUI application with standard ROOT graphics.
Use of analysis code in DABC:
- If configured, TDC data can be calibrated on-the-fly, including TOT-shift compensation
- Produce calibration data can be stored in modified HLD files. Either replacing original TDC messages (same size, but lost of raw data), or inserting additional messages with calibrated values (~25% of file size increase)
- Calibrated data can be stored directly in ROOT format out of DABC together with (or instead of) normal HLD files.
- Histograms, produced by calibration and analysis code, running in DABC, can be monitored via http protocol in normal web browser (using JavaScript ROOT interface, http://root.cern.ch/js/)
- Same histograms can be accessed via http channel from Go4 GUI and displayed with normal ROOT graphics.
- DABC also provides specialized web-interface to control DAQ and calibration process.
All together - DABC can directly produce calibrated TDC data in both
HLD and ROOT formats and provides all necessary tools for monitoring and
control of DAQ and analysis code.
Planned features:
Provide measured calibration curves for specific FPGA TDC designs. One
expects about 100 ps precision (leading edge) without need of complex
calibration procedures.
- Take into account FPGA temperature
changes for such simplified setup. Hopefully one could achieve 30 ps for
leading and about 60 ps for trailing edge.
- Use of temperature information in normal calibration procedure.