
Publications Description Date
1 A compact system for high precision time measurements (<14 ps RMS) and integrated data acquisition for a large number of channels Workshop on Fast Cherenkov Detectors - Photon Detection, DIRC Design and DAQ. 12.2011
2 The upgraded HADES trigger and data acquisition system TWEPP2011 12.2011
3 Field programmable gate array based data digitisation with commercial elements TWEPP2012 01.2013
4 TRB3: A 264 Channel High Precision TDC Platform and Its Applications TWEPP2013 - Perugia, Italy 23.09.2013
5 264 Channel TDC Platform Applying 65 Channel High Precision (7.2 ps RMS) FPGA Based TDC Publication in IEEE(NoMe TDC) 08.2013
6 A novel approach for pulse width measurements with a high precision (8 ps RMS) TDC in an FPGA TWEPP2015 - Lisbon, Portugal
7 Electronics for the RICH Detectors of the HADES and CBM Experiments TWEPP2016 - Karlsruhe, Germany
8 A flexible FPGA based QDC and TDC for the HADES and the CBM calorimeters TWEPP2016 - Karlsruhe, Germany


Publications Description Date
Next Generation Data Acquisition Systems for FAIR based on TrbNet 3rd Hic4FAIR Detector Workshop 03.2013
TRB3 264 Channel High Precision TDC Platform and Its Applications 3rd Hic4FAIR Detector Workshop 03.2013
The TRB Readout System DIRC 2013 workshop in Giessen, Rauischholzhausen 09.2013
264 Channel TDC Platform Applying 65 Channel High Precision (7.2 ps RMS) FPGA Based TDC NoMe TDC Workshop - Perugia, Italy 10.2013
TRB Developments DIRC2015 Workshop 11.2015
Online calibration of the TRB3 FPGA TDC with DABC software Poster, IEEE RT 2016, Padova, Italy 05.2016
Electronics for the RICH detectors of the HADES and CBM experiments Poster, TWEPP 2016 09.2016
PadiwaAmps - A flexible FPGA based QDC and TDC for the HADES and the CBM calorimeters Talk, TWEPP 2016 09.2016
Upgrade of HADES data acquisition and event building software for FAIR phase 0 Poster, IEEE RT 2018, Colonial Williamsburg, USA 06.2018

Related Publications

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Proceedings of Science, International Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics
CBM RICH The CBM Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector
Technical Design Report
Hades ECal Electromagnetic calorimeter for the HADES@FAIR experiment
Proceedings of 13th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors
JPET Trigger-less and reconfigurable data acquisition system for positron emission tomograph
Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems
PANDA DIRC Frontend electronics for high-precision single photo-electron timing using FPGA-TDCs
NIM-A, Proceedings of RICH 2013
CBM MVD Prototyping the read-out chain of the CBM Microvertex Detector
Proceedings of TWEPP 2015
JPET Sampling FEE and Trigger-less DAQ for the J-PET Scanner
Acta Phys.Polon. B47 (2016) 491

Timing in a FLASH
NIM-A, Proceedings of RICH 2016