
Board Description
TRB3 The main TRB3 board.
TRB3sc The TRB3sc board
TRB5sc The TRB5sc board
TRB5sc2 The TRB5sc2 board, bugfix, layout-changes, more pins and signals on JGPIO.
TRB3/5sc backplane Picture of the Backplane in a crate
TRB3sc AddOn for master functionality So called "Master-AddOn"
AddOn Description
4conn AddOn AddOn with four 40-pin connectors, compatible to connector on Padiwa front-end module
ADA1 AddOn AddOn with two 80-pin connectors, compatible to input on TRB2
ADA2 AddOn AddOn with two 80-pin connectors, compatible to input on TRB2
ADA3 AddOn AddOn with two 80-pin connectors, small modifications
32PinAddOn AddOn with two 34-pin and one 16-pin connectors, compatible to PADI FEE
GPin AddOn AddOn with 16 ECL and 8 NIM inputs
MultiTest AddOn AddOn with several test ciruits
SFP AddOn AddOn with 6 SFP cages. For use as TrbNet hub
SFP AddOn2 Same as SFP AddOn, but with 8 SFP cages. For use as TrbNet hub.
CTS AddOn AddOn for the central FPGA with additional I/O for CTS
ADC1 AddOn AddOn with 48ch 65MS/10bit ADCs
Pulser AddOn Analog/Digital pulser for Trb3sc
Mux-Addon 3 4-conn like connectors with fan-out
TRB5sc-AddOn-4Conn 4 40 pin Kel connectors
TRB5sc-AddOn-Ada 2 80 pin Kel connectors
TRB5sc-AddOn-RJ 12 times RJ45 connector
DiRICH Description
DiRICH1 32 channel amplifier, discriminator, threshold and precise TDC + readout
DiRICH2 32 channel amplifier, discriminator, threshold and precise TDC + readout

32 channel amplifier, discriminator, threshold and precise TDC + readout


32 channel amplifier, discriminator, threshold and precise TDC + readout, + I2C programming of MachXO3


same as DiRICH5, only improved producibility


same functionality as DiRICH5, but standalone (power and optical connector on board) , no backplane needed.

DiRICH-Concentrator1 concentrates 12 DiRICH data streams to one TRBNet Link
DiRICH-Backplane For the connection of 12 DiRICH + 6 MA-PMTs + DiRICH-Concentrator + DiRICH+Power
DiRICH-Backplane 2x2 For the connection of 8 DiRICH + 4 MA-PMTs + DiRICH-Concentrator + DiRICH+Power
DiRICH-Power1 Power-Supply + clock-disctribution + HV-"supply" for the PMTs
DiRICH-Power2 Power-Supply + clock-disctribution + HV-"supply" for the PMTs with improved power supply for less noise
DiRICH-UFSD2 64 channel amplifier, compatible as a DiRICH-Backplane to be used with standard DiRICH-components.
FaRICH_System The same as a full DiRICH-System, only in 1/10 of the volume and optimized for SiPM arrays. So, 384 channels on an area of 5.5cm x 8cm.
FEE Description
PADIWA3 for signal discrimination, attention: 4V-5V Power Supply
PADIWA4 same as Padiwa3, but without amplification and with overvoltage protection
PADIWA-AMPS1 for signal discrimination and charge determination, attention: 4V-5V Power Supply
PADIWA-AMPS2 Second Version of Padiwa-AMPS.
CBMTOF for 32 channel time measurements and SPI interface
Other Description
TRB3 clock distribution The distribution of clock and trigger signals on the TRB3
Distribution board Board for basic trigger and clock distribution to TRB3.
Distribution board v2 2nd version of the board for basic trigger and clock distribution to TRB3.

Distribution board v3

same as v2 but with biasing resistors on LVDS inputs Trigger 1 and Trigger 2
4x 8 channel LVDS fan-out Board for fan-out of LVDS signals, TTL out, Multiplicity out
Clock Generator Clock Generator and 3x fan-out
FT232 USB to UART (TTL) adapter
Power Switch 5 5V Power Switch, chainable up to 3A
Power Switch 48 Power Switch, 4 channels, up to 50V / 50W
RJ45 RJ-45 to 4x pin-header passive adapter
LCD Color LCD to TRB Adapter, text output available
JTAG Programmer JTAG Programmer, compatible to Lattice
Mux-Fanout-Board 16 channel fan-out board. 4 outputs. Input on KEL or pin-header
TRB3_PWS3 TRB3 LDO Power-Board; patch board to remove the DC/DC converters
TRB3_PWE2 TRB3 external low-noise DC/DC-converter board for TRB3 with LDO Power-Board (TRB3_PWS3)
DIRICH5_PANDA_STRAW1 An adapter for the DiRICH-Backplane for integrating the Straw-Readout (beware: there are errors in the schematics which are corrected on the PCB!)